My husband cheated, can we punish the third party (mistress) with the law? Would it be useful to report to the police? Adultery is not a criminal offense and does not violate the Criminal Code. Can we sue the
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老公出轨了,可以用法律惩罚小三吗? 报警的话有用吗? 通奸不属于刑事罪,并没有触犯刑事法典。 那可以告小三吗? 1976年法律改革(婚姻及离婚)法令第58(1)条文:如果是要向法院提出离婚申请的话,可以将小三列入离婚程序里并且同时提告小三。 法律会怎么惩罚小三? 如果法庭判小三与老公通奸成立,就需要对妻子做出金钱上的赔偿。最高的赔偿金额是RM100,000。 那如果我不想离婚呢? 如果不打算提出离婚申请的话就无法把小三列入离婚程序并获得赔偿。
Is attempting suicide a crime? In Malaysia, attempting suicide is a crime. Which law has been violated? Section 309 of the Penal Code: Attempt to commit suicide. Once convicted, the offender can be punished with imprisonment for up to one year,
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A man appealed that he was fined by traffic police for “no road tax” when he encountered a roadblock while driving his client’s car and could not show the physical road tax, nor access his client’s MyJPJ login information for electronic
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一名男子申诉在驾驶他客户的车子时遇路障,因无法展示实体路税,又没有客户的MyJPJ登入资料,结果遭交警以“没有路税”为由开出罚单。 1. 即使我有还路税,如果我未能下载MyJPJ,当下无法出示电子路税,我会被开罚单吗? 交通部:不会,执法单位可以透过执法工具检查车子的路税及车主的驾照。 2. 如果开车的不是车主,民众要如何展示电子路税? 交通部: 1. 车主只需要将电子路税打印出来,然后放在车上。 2. 即使不能出示电子路税也不犯法,执法单位可以透过他们的工具检查车子的详情。
Is Adultery a Criminal Offense If My Partner Cheated on Me? It depends on whether the person involved is Muslim or non-Muslim. For Muslims: extramarital affairs and adultery are illegal. For non-Muslims: adultery is not a criminal offense and only carries civil
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伴侣出轨了,通奸是刑事罪吗? 那得要看当事人是穆斯林或非穆斯林。 穆斯林:涉及婚外情或通奸是犯法的。 非穆斯林:通奸是没有刑事责任的,只有民事责任。 唯一和通奸相关的刑事罪是刑事法典里的第498条:“诱惑已婚妇女”是非法的。 一旦罪成,可判坐牢2年以上或罚款或两者兼施。 对方通奸/出轨怎么办? 当男方犯下通奸,妻子可以申请离婚,把丈夫和情妇列为案件的答辩人,向他们索求金钱上的赔偿,最高的赔偿金额是RM100,000。 不过当要起诉通奸罪,就得搜集足够的证据。